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75 Tips for Male With Long Hair Falling Out | Can Hot Showers Cause Hair Loss?
- Sikh men are prone to many different forms of hair loss but the most common is traction alopecia. This type of alopecia is caused by a tight hairstyle which can affect women as well as men. It is where there is excessive force on the root of a hair strand which weakens it and leads to hair thinning and eventual loss. - Source: Internet
- “Bald men with facial hair look best. If you are going bald, admit it and just shave it off.” - Source: Internet
- There’s a chance you’re genetically predisposed to hair thinning, which means you may see a progressive, gradual reduction in hair volume. “In these instances, certain hair follicles are sensitive to male hormones – and this sensitivity causes follicles to gradually shrink and produce slightly finer and shorter hairs with each passing hair growth cycle.” Explains Anabel Kingsley. - Source: Internet
- As we’ve said, MPB is the hair loss cause that is most common in men. This is recognisable as starting with a receding hairline: the hair above your temples retreats, usually giving you a V-shaped ‘widow’s peak’ at the centre of your forehead. Alternatively, it can begin at the crown, where your hair will thin into a bald patch at the back of your head. The chances are that the cause of your hair loss is MPB; it’s responsible for 95% of male baldness. The good news is that, these days, a receding hairline is reversible. - Source: Internet
- “It doesn’t bother me at all. I much prefer a guy that’ll shave his hair off and go bald than try and pretend they still have hair with an awful haircut or dodgy toupée to hide it, bald men can look sexy so if you’re bald own it.” - Source: Internet
- While most men experience some loss of hair thickness as they get older, male pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia) can start at any age. When and how much you lose depends primarily on genetics, although statistics show that the likelihood of hair loss only increases with age. The following chart shows the percentage of men with noticeable hair loss at different ages. - Source: Internet
- The Sikh religion requires men to have long hair which is covered by a turban. This is known as ‘kesh’. The reason for this is that it enables them to be recognised by other Sikhs as well as ensuring their visibility. As a result of this Sikh men cannot have short hair. - Source: Internet
- Women have the same hereditary predisposition for androgenetic alopecia as men, but in women of reproductive age, because of the effect of the female hormone oestrogen, the clinical onset of androgenetic alopecia with intense hair loss and apparent hair thinning is not very noticeable until the age of menopause. Only a small proportion of women, about 10 to 15%, shows clinically visible hair loss. Androgenetic alopecia in women usually occurs as diffuse hair loss; complete loss of hair from one area is rarely observed. Hair thinning in case of women with androgenetic alopecia becomes more profound after menopause. - Source: Internet
- Other hormone imbalances: Besides the production of DHT, other hormone imbalances can cause hair loss in men. For example, men with low testosterone might also see some thinning of their hair, accompanied by loss of hair on their body and face too. Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) can also be a cause of hair loss. - Source: Internet
- The most common cause of male hair loss is inheritance which, in combination with the action of the derivatives of the male hormone testosterone and age, cause the so-called androgenetic alopecia or male pattern hair loss. The genes that cause androgenetic alopecia can be transmitted by both parents. In men, hair loss of this type usually starts from the forehead, the temples and the crown, while it is absent from the occipital region (back of the head). The occipital region and the sides of the head remain constant throughout life and show no significant hair loss, even in old men, as the male hormones have no effect here. This region is called the ‛constant hair growth zone’ and serves as the main donor site of follicles for hair transplantation. - Source: Internet
- Hair loss usually is a gradual process and many people miss early signs of balding. However, losing hair does not always mean that you’re going to be bald in the future. Normally, people shade 50-200 hair per day. However, losing more than this average can be a sign of poor diet, stress, hormonal changes or a result of taking aggressive medications, which can provoke baldness in the future. In order not to miss the first alerts, every man should look out for the signs of balding as early as in his twenties. - Source: Internet
- “They provide our hair with the energy it needs to grow. Snack on a healthy carbohydrates (i.e. fresh fruit, crudité or whole wheat crackers) if longer than four hours is left between meals; as energy available to hair cells drops after this amount of time.” - Source: Internet
- Yes, that snatched pony may look cool, but it could being placing stress on your strands. “Avoid hairstyles that place traction on the hair and hair follicles” Anabel says. She also recommends avoiding heavy styling creams and serums, as they can add unnecessary weight to the hair. - Source: Internet
- For many years, people believed that the baldness gene runs on the mother’s side. There is an androgen receptor gene which is located on the X chromosome, and many hair genetic researches suggest that this gene is one of the causes for baldness. As this X-linked baldness gene is located on the X chromosome and the latter is inherited only from the mother it caused the misunderstanding that the baldness is passed down from the mother. In other words, since it was believed the primary baldness gene was on the mother’s side X chromosome that would be transferred to the son, men going bald receive the baldness gene from their mother and if there’re many bald men on the mother’s side, there’s a high chance that the son will also be bald. However, this is a misconception, as scientists haven’t yet found all of the genes responsible for baldness. - Source: Internet
- “While our hair is incredibly important to us psychologically, physiologically it is non-essential; we could survive without it with no detriment to our physical health. This means that any nutritional deficiency often first shows up in our hair.” - Source: Internet
- Complete loss of hair at specific locations can be seen in alopecia areata (spot baldness) and in scars (cicatricial alopecia), such as scalp injuries or burns. Hair loss and creation of cicatricial patches is also seen in follicular lichen planus and lupus erythematosus. Characteristic feature of these pathological forms of hair loss is that they can affect any area of the scalp, even the constant hair growth zone, and evolve in an erratic and unforeseeable manner. These conditions may be localised, small-scaled and relatively stable, but in rare cases can take a global form; in some cases of alopecia areata, complete hair loss may occur not only on the area of the scalp, but also on face, on eyelashes or even on the entire body. The cases of pathological hair loss are much rarer than androgenetic alopecia and constitute less than 10% of all cases of alopecia. - Source: Internet
- The third type of Male Pattern Baldness is when your hair starts thinning and loosening. In this case, you may start noticing that you start losing hair more than the average amount that’s considered to be normal in everyday hair shedding. For example, when you take off your hat, you notice lots of hair in there, or some hair is left on your hands when shampooing. If you see an abnormal loss and not many short hair growing at the roots, it’s already a sign of going bald - Source: Internet
- “Vitamin B12 deficiency often causes hair loss as it can affect the health of red blood cells, which carry oxygen to your tissues” says Anabel. “It’s most common in vegans as you can primarily only obtain B12 through animal proteins.” - Source: Internet
- MPB affects all men as they get older to some degree. This process can start as early as the late teens. By the age of 50, about half of all men have some degree of hair loss. For some, this process is of no concern. For others, this process impacts their self-esteem and causes significant emotional distress. - Source: Internet
- “One of the most common causes of hair loss in women is an iron deficiency. Iron is essential for producing hair cell protein”, without it, your strands will suffer says Anabel. If in doubt, it’s best to speak to your GP for advice regarding an iron deficiency, as they may recommend a blood test to confirm the correct treatment. - Source: Internet
- Hair loss may be a sign of a thyroid disease such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. These conditions cause the thyroid gland to overproduce or underproduce certain hormones that regulate the body’s metabolism. The link between thyroid disease and hair loss is unclear, but there is some evidence that thyroid disease may cause the body to produce hormones that destroy hair follicles. - Source: Internet
- A dermatologist uses a card test to examine the health of hair shafts and to evaluate the number of new hair strands that are growing. The procedure is simple: The dermatologist creates a part in the hair and holds a small rectangular card covered in felt against a section of the scalp. The color of the felt should contrast with the color of the hair. New hair strands, even very small or broken ones, in this area are visible against the felt card and can be counted and examined. - Source: Internet
- Consider a few changes to your pantry. Stock your kitchen with lots of fresh fruits and veggies for the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Also considering fortifying your diet with hair-healthy gummies that contain vitamins A, C and E and a host of B vitamins, plus folic acid and zinc. They’re a naturally sweet way to treat yourself (and your scalp), and encourage fuller, thicker-looking hair. Also, make sure to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. - Source: Internet
- While women experience hair loss at some point in their life, men are at a higher and greater risk of going bald. For women, the primary reason is usually hair thinning and loosening which can be easily covered with long hair, not to mention the privilege of wearing wigs, changing the haircut or using hair accessories. However, men are different and when it comes to male baldness, there are not so many remedies. - Source: Internet
- Hair falling out while washing Washing the hair also collects many of the hairs that have already detached from the head. Some chemical ingredients in shampoos can be harmful and cause breakage or increased hair loss. Anyone who notices an increase in how much hair they wash out in the shower may wish to stop using the product and opt for a gentler formula. If the increase is sharp, it may be best to see a doctor or dermatologist. - Source: Internet
- “The thyroid gland helps to regulate the body’s metabolism by controlling the production of proteins and tissue use of oxygen. Any thyroid imbalance can therefore affect hair follicles”, Anabel explains. Also, if hypothyroidism is left untreated it may result in anaemia, which - as we’ve just discussed - is another condition that can impact the hair (or lack of it). - Source: Internet
- Be careful not to shampoo your hair too frequently, as your hair may become dry and frizzy as a result of the natural oils being stripped away. People with thicker, oily hair, however, may want to wash their hair more often than people with thin, dry hair. This helps get rid of excess sebum oil from the scalp. - Source: Internet
- Get rid of hair products with harsh ingredients, and opt for those that are plant-based. Start with GRO Revitalizing Shampoo and Conditioner (it smells divine!), which is formulated with powerful phyto-actives to encourage visibly denser hair. In clinical studies, subjects saw an increase in the appearance of hair density by up to 52% and up to a 76% decrease in shedding. - Source: Internet
- Important causes of hair loss in today’s era is the quite stressful way of life as well as intense emotions, stress, exposure to a dusted and polluted environment, excessive exposure to solar UV radiation, frequent contact with sea or chlorinated water. Malnutrition can aggravate hair loss, as a lack of protein, vitamins and minerals such as iron or zinc intensify the problem. A proper diet that includes protein and iron can reverse hair loss. - Source: Internet
- The hormone responsible for MPB is dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is converted from testosterone by the enzyme known as 5α-Reductase (5AR). This happens when we age, becoming more active during puberty and it is a completely normal process. DHT is an androgen, a male sex hormone, and it is responsible for the development of male genitals whilst you’re still in the womb – among other things. - Source: Internet
- Hair loss – though extremely common – is not one of the better parts of growing older. It can feel like a bit of a punch in the gut when you notice your hair isn’t staying as thick as it should. And it can be a knock to your self-esteem, too. However, one of the most important parts of tackling the problem is to understand it – to know the different types and causes of hair loss and the ways to combat the problem. - Source: Internet
- If you believe that your hair is falling out, there are many things you can do – depending on the cause of your hair loss. Nowadays, there are a number of effective hair loss treatments for those experiencing a receding hairline or MPB in general. These include the licensed products, Finasteride and Minoxidil, which work in different ways. Both, importantly, are inappropriate for other hair loss causes. - Source: Internet
- Too little iron in the bloodstream may contribute to hair loss. Doctors use blood tests to check the level of ferritin, a protein that indicates how much iron is stored in the body. Ferritin levels are often low in menstruating women; those with anemia, a condition in which people lack healthy red blood cells; and vegetarians or vegans. - Source: Internet
- However, some men’s hair follicles are sensitive to DHT, too. In susceptible men, this hormone shrinks and weakens the hair follicles on the head, meaning that the follicles ultimately no longer produce hair. Predictably, those follicles most sensitive to DHT are the ones above the temples and on the crown – precisely the spots where MPB usually strikes first. - Source: Internet
- Each individual hair survives for an average of four years, during which time it grows about half an inch each month. Usually around the fifth year, the individual hair falls out and is replaced within six months by a new one. When the hair doesn’t cycle back to the growing phase, that’s when hair loss occurs. This is the normal growth phase of your hair and the technical terms for the stages of hair growth are: - Source: Internet
- On a typical head of hair each follicle is at a different stage at different times so you probably won’t notice it happening. Very cool. “This cycle continues repeatedly throughout our lifetime and each hair follicle is cycling independently of neighbouring follicles meaning that human hair growth is asynchronised,” says Dr Wong. - Source: Internet
- Starting to lose your hair at this age can be especially difficult, as few people this age are experiencing the same thing. If you notice or think you are losing your hair at this early age, you should consult with a physician, or professional at Bosley, on the reason and what options are available to you. Chances are, there are ways to preserve your hair, especially if you start early. - Source: Internet
- The Finasteride Plan Works for 9/10 Men The most effective oral treatment for receding hairlines and balding crowns. Just one pill a day. Start from £18 Best for Receding Hairlines Effectiveness 9/10 Men Contains One-a-day tablets (Finasteride) - Source: Internet
- VEGAMOUR spoke with Dr. Crystal Dinopol , DPDS, board-certified dermatologist who explained, “The average daily hair loss should be anywhere from 100- 200 hairs daily. It’s rather difficult to count, and it may seem like a lot, but it also largely depends on what type of hair products you use, heat styling, hormonal status, medications, scalp disorders etc.” - Source: Internet
- Male pattern baldness (MPB) is by far the most common cause of hair loss in men – and it has specific features, in particular a gradual thinning of the hair on the scalp. Yet, there are other causes too – including stress, vitamin deficiency, thyroid problems, and other medical conditions. If you have questions that this article doesn’t answer, remember that your doctor is there to give you further advice about your own situation. - Source: Internet
- Dealing with balding may be psychologically hard for many men. Throughout our lives, we are used to seeing ourselves with lots of hair and we think that it’s an inseparable part of our identity. What we are missing is that balding is very common and it doesn’t make you stand out in the crowd for better or worse. Besides, here are 5 quite important points why being bald is even better. - Source: Internet
- Hairs go through a series of phases within the hair cycle. During the anagen cycle, hairs are “born” from the hair follicles and grow for a period of two to six years. The catagen phase is a brief transition phase when the hair stops growing; it takes place between the growth and the shedding stage. A second brief phase, called the telogen phase, then occurs, which is a resting phase for the hair as your body prepares to shed old hairs. The exogen phase is when the hairs are finally shed from your scalp. - Source: Internet
- In 30 seconds… Why is my hair falling out, you ask? Hair loss can be caused by all sorts of things: stress, a lack of specific vitamins, hormonal changes, or other medical conditions. The most common reason for hair loss is, quite simply, age. Male pattern baldness, or MPB, is the cause of hair loss in 95% of men – and that’s the result of a hormonal process that develops as you grow older. The rate of this process is largely dependent on your genetics. Yet, there are things that you can do to slow down hair loss – and even reverse it. - Source: Internet
- Adding foods rich in iron to your diet may help hair to regrow. These include dark, leafy greens, red meat, whole grains, and legumes. Iron supplements, which are used to treat anemia, may also help to stop hair loss. - Source: Internet
- Women Love Bald Men As mentioned previously, balding isn’t uncommon and if you’re bald it doesn’t make you stand out from the crowd. However, what it does, it changes people’s perception and first impression of you. Many researchers have agreed on the fact that bald men look extremely dominant, fearless, confident, fierce and women LOVE IT. What women don’t like is unconfident men, who rather stick onto little hair and try to hide the fact that they’re going bald. Believe it or not, people see it and it’s better to shave it off and rock your confident look! - Source: Internet
- You Save Time on Hairstyling For better or worse, your head looks the same all the time. You take a shower, you have the same hairstyle, you take a nap, you have the same hairstyle, whatever you do, one thing is ensured; nothing can mess up your hair. But does it mean bald men are limited to one look only? Absolutely NOT, bald men can rock different styles of beards for bald heads. - Source: Internet
- Hair loss doesn’t happen fast, our strands grow in cycles, which means it can take up to 3 months for hair to fall out after a trigger has caused it. “If you notice excessive daily hair shedding for longer than 3 months, see a trichologist or your GP, there could be an underlying factor that needs to be addressed”, Anabel advises. “Very importantly, try not to panic. Telogen effluvium (excessive shedding) is almost always self-eliminating and hair will start to grow back as usual once any internal imbalance is put right”. - Source: Internet
- It’s important to note that hair loss is a very common problem for women – much more so that people realise. “Research shows that at least 1 in 3 women will suffer from hair loss or reduced hair volume at some point in their lifetime,” says Anabel Kingsley. So, if you are losing strands, it’s important not to freak out, your mane will recover. In the meantime, here’s everything you need to know… - Source: Internet
- “One product alone will not remedy hair loss – you must also look at your general health, your diet, as well as optimise the health of your scalp and the condition of growing hairs. Above all, although it is very difficult, be patient and do not despair. Due to the nature of the hair growth cycle, it takes at least 6 weeks to see an improvement.” - Source: Internet
- Iron is one of the most well-known deficiencies that can cause hair loss. Iron plays a role in the blood’s transporting of oxygen around the body – and iron deficiency can cause anaemia, which can affect your hair. Zinc, meanwhile, helps hair grow and repair itself, by helping to produce oil in the glands around the follicles. Don’t go mad on the zinc supplements, however: an excess of zinc is just as damaging. - Source: Internet
- Avoid washing your hair with water that’s excessively hot. This can cause pain and skin redness as well as dry out your hair and scalp. The result is hair that’s brittle and more prone to breakage. - Source: Internet
- This simple test measures the severity of hair loss. During a pull test, a dermatologist grasps small sections of hair, about 40 strands, from different parts of the scalp and gently tugs. If six or more strands fall out, you have what’s known as active hair loss. - Source: Internet
- The main reason for this is wearing a turban. The turban is a length of material which is tightly wound around the head. The Sikh religion requires men to wear a turban at all times that pulls the hair to such an extent that it weakens it, leading to hair loss. - Source: Internet
- Wearing your hair in a ponytail instead of wearing a turban. There are some Sikhs who have chosen to do this and as long as it doesn’t compromise your religion then consider it as an option. If you do opt for a ponytail then don’t have a tight ponytail and secure it loosely. - Source: Internet
- “Hormones play a huge role in regulating the hair growth cycle” explains Anabel. “Oestrogens (female hormones) are ‘hair friendly’ and help to keep hairs in their growth phase for the optimal length of time. Androgens (male hormones) are not very hair friendly, and can shorten the hair growth cycle.” - Source: Internet
- It’s no myth that excess stress can literally make your hair fall out. How does this happen? Well, it can raise androgen (male hormone) levels, which in turn can causes hair loss. “Stress may also trigger scalp problems, such as dandruff, disrupt eating habits and mess with the digestive system – all of which can have a negative impact on hair” says Anabel. - Source: Internet
- Fortunately, there are some things you can do to slow down amplified hair loss and improve your hair’s health. In the meantime, unless you are seeing visible hair thinning or bald patches, try not to worry too much because increased stress can make hair loss worse. If you are seeing visible hair thinning and bald patches, consult with the doctor to find out the cause. - Source: Internet
- Your degree of sensitivity to DHT is largely genetic. If you have close family members with male pattern baldness, it’s pretty likely that it will affect you at some point in your life too. The conventional wisdom on this is that MPB is inherited from your maternal grandfather, your mum’s dad – because the particular gene responsible is found in the X-chromosome, which comes from your mother. - Source: Internet
- Women who have thin hair with no bald patches may have a hormonal imbalance caused by excess levels of androgens, a class of hormones that includes testosterone. Signs of androgen excess include hair loss and baldness; hair growth on the face, chest, or abdomen; and irregular menstrual periods and acne. A blood test can reveal an elevated androgen level. - Source: Internet
- Stress: Stress can cause hair loss in different ways – and you will likely know if they are happening. During times of serious stress, your hair follicles may simply rest, meaning they don’t produce new hair. You’ll notice this is if your hair falls out in clumps while washing or styling. - Source: Internet
- If you’re going through or about to enter the menopause, changes in your body may also have an effect on your hair. “Hair loss becomes more prevalent leading up to and after the menopause” reveals Anabel. That being said, “it’s important to realise that our hair ages, and as we get older, hair naturally gets finer. It’s a totally normal part of the ageing process.” - Source: Internet
- To protect your hair, wash it in warm water instead of hot, and rinse it with cooler water. Brushing or combing wet hair should also be avoided, because water weakens hair bonds, causing strands to snap and break more easily when brushed. If possible, let your hair air-dry for five to 10 minutes and gently blot it with a towel to dry. - Source: Internet
- You Save More Money Going to the barbershops can be quite expensive, especially when you want a good haircut and hairstyling. The average amount of money spent on a male haircut is $22.74, in case these haircuts are simple scissors-to-hair. Once you go bald you won’t need to go to the barbershops once in a while for a haircut and hairstyling. You can save up to $400 per month by simply going bald. - Source: Internet
- Medical conditions and treatment: Some conditions can cause hair loss, including autoimmune conditions, like lupus – in which hair loss is accompanied by scalp and facial inflammation, but may present differently in individuals. Conditions like irritable bowel syndrome can also sometimes cause hair loss. And as you’re probably already aware, if you are undergoing radiotherapy or chemotherapy, hair loss is often a side-effect of the treatment. - Source: Internet
- Causes of excessive hair loss Anyone who is losing more than about 100 hairs a day or noticing large clumps of hair falling out could be experiencing excessive hair shedding. Hair shedding is not the same as permanent hair loss, which leads to the gradual thinning of the hair or a receding hairline. Shedding hair will regrow in the hair follicle. Hair loss occurs when the follicle stops producing hair. A short bout of excessive hair shedding can occur due to stressful events or significant changes to the body, such as: giving birth - Source: Internet
- “Being non-essential tissue, the hair’s nutritional requirements are unique – and supplementation can be very helpful in boosting levels of vitamins and minerals available to your follicles. But, they must be taken alongside a healthy diet for full benefit.” - Source: Internet
- Choosing a lighter type of turban. Switch from a heavy material to a lighter one and make sure that you use the minimal amount of pressure to secure it in place. The aim is to reduce any pressure on the hair. Try to avoid winding it too tightly around the head and use grips to secure it at the back instead. This takes off some of the pressure on the hair especially at the front of the scalp where there is the greatest risk of hair loss. - Source: Internet
- Sikh men are required to ritually comb their hair and this can also cause this type of alopecia. One way of avoiding this is to use the fingers first to remove any tangles or knots in the hair before applying a comb. This will reduce any drag by the comb on the hair and so minimise the risk of hair damage. - Source: Internet
- As we’ve already mentioned, Finasteride is taken as a pill and combats the 5α-Reductase enzyme – the one that actually produces the DHT. Minoxidil, on the other hand, is usually applied directly to the affected area. This encourages the flow of blood to the scalp, which brings oxygen and helpful nutrients that all promote healthy hair. A combination of both is the best regime for tackling MPB, by virtue of their independent mode of action having great synergy. - Source: Internet
- Hot water can’t cause hair loss. However, boiling water could result in hair loss, by burning or scalding your scalp. But this shouldn’t be of much concern, since most people don’t wash their hair using water that is hot enough to scald the scalp. - Source: Internet
- “An excess of androgens (which could be caused by an endocrine disorder, such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) can cause hair loss. The extent of this is often down to genes - If you have a genetic predisposition to follicle sensitivity, a hormonal imbalance can affect your hair more than it would someone who does not have a predisposition.” - Source: Internet
- Nikita Mehta, Co-founder of Fable & Mane swears by traditional head massage to encourage scalp health as it stimulates blood flow to the area. “Hair oils makes the hair stronger from the roots. It’s really great for anyone who struggles with hair loss and breakage as it strengthens and protects hair follicles and strands, conditions the scalp skin and cultivates healthy hair growth. Applying the right oil with Ayurvedic herbs such as Amla, Ashwagandha, Brahmi and Dashmool to dry hair as a pre-wash treatment allows the oil to soak into your hair shaft making it less vulnerable to breakage when hair gets wet.” - Source: Internet
- Ensure that your hair is directly on the top of your head when you wind the turban. This means that your head will support nearly all of the weight of your hair when you are standing. Try to keep your head upright when you are sitting down and avoid leaning back if you can. - Source: Internet
- going through a significant life change, such as a divorce or job loss As the body readjusts in the months following a stressful episode, the excessive shedding should stop. Within 6–9 months, the hair should be back to its normal thickness and fullness. Many different medical conditions can cause hair loss. Learn about them in this article. - Source: Internet
- It’s completely normal to lose what looks like a lot of hair when you shower. Whether you believe it or not, strands clinging to your fingers and hair sitting in the drain are a natural part of the hair growth cycle. Most of the time, there’s nothing to worry about. But what if you think this hair falling is excessive? How much hair is normal to lose in the shower? - Source: Internet
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